Engineered to tackle every terrain Calgary throws its way, the Ram Rampage is a testament to power, style, and functionality. Let's dive into the heart of the beast and explore the remarkable modifications that make this custom Ram the envy of the Calgary roads.

Rise Above with a 2-Inch Level Kit

Picture This:

Your Ram Rampage standing tall and confident, thanks to a meticulously installed 2-inch level kit. Discover how this modification not only enhances the truck's aesthetics but also elevates its performance, ensuring a smooth ride regardless of the challenging Calgary landscapes.

Off-Road Mastery

Mopar Running Boards Navigate the rugged Calgary terrain with ease, courtesy of Off-Road Mopar running boards. Learn how these boards add a touch of flair while providing practical assistance, making your entry and exit a breeze, whether you're conquering the city or venturing into the wild.

Keep Your Cargo Secure

Hard Folding Mopar Tonneau Cover Calgary's unpredictable weather is no match for the Hard Folding Mopar Tonneau cover. Explore how this modification not only adds a layer of sleekness to your Ram Rampage but also safeguards your cargo from the elements, ensuring your gear stays dry and secure on every Calgary adventure.

Embrace the Elements

Mopar Vent Visors Venture into Calgary's diverse climates while keeping your truck ventilated with Mopar Vent Visors. Discover how these visors not only add a touch of style but also allow you to enjoy the fresh Calgary air without compromising comfort or protection from the elements.

Calgary-Ready Traction

BFG Ko2 All-Terrain Tires Calgary's ever-changing climate demands versatility, and the 295/60R20 BFG Ko2 all-terrain tires deliver exactly that. Unleash the full potential of your Ram Rampage as we explore how these rugged tires provide unmatched traction, ensuring you're ready for any Calgary adventure, be it snow, mud, or rocky trails.


In the heart of Calgary's dynamic climate, the Ram Rampage Custom Truck stands as the epitome of versatility and power. With its carefully curated modifications, this beast is ready to conquer the city streets and the wild terrains that surround it. So, gear up, Calgary enthusiasts, and let the Ram Rampage take you on an adventure like never before!